Planning Travel

Do You Have an Adventurer Mindset?

Nobody loves standing in long security lines, and I don’t know one person who is thrilled that airline seats recline about four inches, if you’re lucky. But I do know people who love to travel, no matter what. No matter what happens, traveling is fun. Why? They have an adventurer mindset. If you ask me […]

Planning Travel

Should You Spend Your Money Traveling?

We know that travel comes with a host of great benefits: you get to spend time with people you love; you get to see and try new things; you get to relax away the pressures of everyday life; you get the thrill of realizing lifelong dreams. But…should you spend your money traveling over other things? […]

Planning Travel

What Cruise is the Best?

What cruise is the best completely depends on what you are looking for. There is a cruise line out there for everything from tropical to arctic, kid-friendly to adults-only, partying 24/7 to relaxing all day, luxury to budget-conscious. What cruise is the best for you depends on what type of traveler you are. One of […]